Embrace the transformation

Joy of Purifying Grief is a deep inner journey about the transformational power of purifying grief. Grieving fully is essential for your health, feeling deep joy and reconnecting to your authentic self. The 8 weeks of self-inquiry in a relational space help you to let go of the past and liberate your truthful feelings and expression. It is a unique personal experience where changes are guaranteed.

Content of the 8-week program

Six guided meditations
Creative journaling process with a pair
Six 2-hour group meetings in Zoom with max. 6 participants
Creating a personal ritual for grief
Access to the monthly Joy of Being Sharing Circles after the process

Joy of Purifying Grief happens in a relational space of deep connection and authentic expression. It is a safe and free space to find a deeper connection to your true Self and to others, and explore what your inner truth in your heart wants to tell you. You learn to give and receive mutual support to the others, and to listen with caring honesty and presence. All emotions, creations and expressions are welcome exactly as they are. This space makes deep healing possible.

Guided meditation and creative journaling

Guided meditations bring your awareness to the space within – the space of inner quiet and wisdom where you can see yourself and your life from a higher perspective. They give way for your inner voice to be heard and hidden things to arise. Whether you meditate or not, this will be a great experience to learn.

Each of the six meditations lasts about 10 minutes and has its own theme, all of which are related to grief. You are committed to listening to the meditations 2-3 times a week.

After listening to a meditation you start journaling freely. This is your tool for creative self-expression of your feelings, sensations, thoughts, needs and experiences. Writing helps you to communicate from your inner being, gain insights of yourself, express yourself freely and clearly, and reprogram your conditioned mind with loving thoughts.

Journey with a pair

We heal in deep connection and need another person to be our witness and mirror to really see ourselves. Therefore you share the journey with a pair.

You and your pair share your texts with each other in a circle that is private for just the two of you. You also feel, sense and reflect the texts of your pair and respond to them.

One participant expressed her experience of the shared space like this:

"With my pair it was a very interesting ‘ride on a healing wheel’. Her fire was my fire, her questions stirred my questions, her new insights inspired my new insights – and vice versa. There was much freedom, absolute honesty, and a lot of joy all the way through. I felt truly honored to witness her process and was grateful to share mine. It was like a Dance. She danced her Dance and I danced mine, side by side, laughing, crying – absolutely alive and thriving."

You can sign up on the program either by yourself and find a partner from the circle or join with your partner, friend, team mate or anybody suitable for sharing the journey with you.

Group meetings

All participants come together in six Zoom video meetings. They will be organized both in English and in Finnish. In the meetings, everyone has a chance to practice to express themselves freely and share things with other participants.

A process beyond activities

Guided meditation guides your subconscious to a specific direction. It opens a box of memories, thoughts, emotions, patterns, and all other things stored into your system. When you start to write, you grasp the first pile of things and deal with them by letting the text arise from within. But the box is not closed afterwards. It remains open and your subconscious keeps working with its content. It takes days - or even more - to go through the content of the box that is available for processing, and make the adjustments to your patterns and models. This is why so many things in the Joy of Purifying Grief process happen in between the meditations and writing. It is literally a 8-week process, with no breaks in between.

You are the creator of your journey

Joy of Purifying Grief is not a program for specific content you need to learn. There is no curriculum, no teacher, no doctrine. It is not about an external source or authority giving you answers or defining your path. Only you hold the power to heal yourself and that is why this is about your journey inward. You will get all the tools, resources and support you need to dive deep to your own self. With the help of your inner guidance, you choose what you make out of them.

Benefits & Outcomes


The losses and hurts remain in our hearts until we deal with the issues and people involved. Moving forward with your life requires releasing the past, letting go and forgiving yourself and others. The program helps you to bring your energy back within and make space for the new to emerge.

Healing Connection

We heal in deep connection. Therefore Joy of Purifying Grief is a shared journey where participants are mirrors to each other. You learn to hold space for yourself and others to support the wellbeing of your whole family and community.

Truthful & Creative Expression

During the process you express yourself creatively by writing, speaking and painting or drawing. You learn to allow your creative expression flow freely and overcome creative blocks. Each of us have our inner creative genius which you get to meet in the process.

Shadow Work

Before you can step into a new version of yourself, you need to let go of fears, anxieties, limiting beliefs and unhealthy attachments. The Joy of Purifying Grief process helps you to understand your inner shadows so you can either release them or integrate them into your life in a more constructive way.

Joy & Enlightenment

The meditation and journaling process helps you to allow pure feelings and embrace even the unwanted ones. Grieving fully is the key to overcoming dissociation and suffering, and feeling deep joy. It is the gate to enlightenment – a living connection to your authentic self.

Inner Peace

Guided meditations help you to connect to your space of inner peace and quiet. You learn to stay balanced within turmoil and maintain a peaceful heart.

Upcoming journeys

We are announcing the next starting date of the program soon. The program is organized on the Sutra platform.

If you wish to discuss the program before signing up, please email harriet@intune.fi for a free personal meeting.

Sign Up

"This is the best course I have ever attended. Authentic, elegant, powerful.  

Harriet facilitates the process of healing so that you can open to your own truth, feelings, memories and insights. You can proceed in your own pace, with a beautiful balance between inner space exploration and sharing with a partner, the witness. 

Harriet holds the space for you to finally recognize your pain and sorrow and find relief, go through the portal of grief and shame. In her authentic presence, you can trust that the transformation to your deeper truth will happen. Whatever you are ready to deal with will show up and you can safely explore it. And release it and find freedom for yourself and those close to you.  

Grateful for this experience of rebirth!"

- Tuula Saarela, Integral Therapist, Joy of Purifying Grief participant


The Joy of Purifying Grief program asks for personal responsibility and leadership. The program is not therapy or mental health treatment, but it can have a therapeutic impact. It is not coaching towards a specific goal, but personal goals and visions can arise from within during the process. Every participant understands and agrees that she/he takes full responsibility for her/his own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing during the program. 

Joy of Being is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

Participants register for the programs on the Sutra platform and join Sutra members when registering. Sutra has its own Privacy Policy which all participants need to read before registration. We do not collect data about participants outside of the Sutra circle and the personal texts are shared in a private, safe setting.